Trochilia minuta (Roux, 1899) Kahl, 1931 |
Trochilia minuta: a group of specimens moving on a filamentous Spirogyra-alge (1) |
Trochilia minuta: lateral view; focus plane on the posterior podite (Po) and the anterior sensory cilia (SC) (2) |
Trochilia minuta: ventral view; focus plane on the ventral ciliature. lsK: left somatic kineties; rsK: right somatic kineties; Po: posterior podite; poK: perioral kineties. Also visible is the macronucleus (Ma) which is divided (permanentely) into a hyaline part with nucleolus (Nu) and the posterior granular part(2) |
Trochilia minuta: lateral view (the anterior part is left in this image), optical median section. Focus plane on the rods of the oral basket (RoB) and the perioral cilia (poC). (2) |
Trochilia minuta: lateral view (the anterior part is right in this image), opiocal median section. Focus plane on the right somatic cilia (rsC). (2) |
Trochilia minuta: specimen from (3) |
Species identification courtesy of Dr. Martin Kreutz; Litzelstetten/ Germany.. |
Location (2): Felderbachtal, Hattingen, NRW, Germany; Haselbecke pond |
Habitat (2): Neuston (click image to enlarge >>>) |
Date (4): coll.: 20.04. 2020 ; img.: 20.04. 2020 |
Location (3): Kalwes-Teiche, Bochum-Querenburg, NRW, Germany; pond2 |
Habitat (3): periphyton (click to enlarge >>>>) |
Date (3): coll.: 26.11.2022; img.: 27.11.2022 ( |
Location (1): Schulzentrum Gevelsberg, NRW, Germany, Gruenes Klassenzimmer, pond |
Habitat (1): between algae |
Date (1): 03.10.2012 |